It is crazy to think that the water in our homes can be contaminated. It is something you use every day, yet you may not know that what is in your water can be affecting your health. It can even affect your appliances and surfaces! How can Mold Assessment Services help with testing my home? Here are some things to be aware of how your water affects you and how MAS can help with your home water testing throughout Florida.
Eliminate Health Risks
Many elements in water can affect your health and well-being. It is not only important for your friends and family, but your water source affects your plants, pets, and livestock too. In some cases, things like radon and other carcinogens can put you at risk of contracting cancer and other life-threatening diseases after long-term exposure. Many times you can contract bacterial illnesses if your water becomes contaminated. These illnesses can come on right away, but some can take days or even weeks to show symptoms. Certain water qualities can affect your skin and hair and cause symptoms like skin irritation, dry skin, dry scalp, and even hair loss.

Professional mold inspection is more than just a service; it’s a necessity for ensuring the well-being of your home or business. With Mold Assessment Services, you can rest assured that your Indoor Air Quality Concerns are addressed with the highest standards of expertise. Our comprehensive approach includes Mold Testing for Home and Business, helping to identify any presence of Toxic Mold that might be lurking unseen. We believe in the importance of Annual Water Quality Testing to safeguard your property against unseen threats, ensuring a healthier, safer environment for everyone.
Did you know that your home water quality testing can affect your appliances? If your sinks, bathtub, shower, or dishwasher has stains you can’t get rid of and seems to return, it may have to do with water quality. High iron, for example, can cause a brown slime to build up in your dishwasher and toilet. Making your job of keeping the home neat and tidy a bit difficult and time-consuming.
Track Any Changes
Whether you are dealing with city or well water, there is always the possibility that your water will come across contaminants. Well-water comes into contact with rocks, soil, and all sorts of potential threats regularly. If you are on a well-water system, it’s important to communicate with those around you or that share a well-water source with you as chances are they are susceptible to contamination if you are experiencing it, and vice versa. Most times, city-water users receive a notification when the water has become contaminated, but that is not always the case.
Testing My Home Water Quality And Taste
We all know drinking water is important for our health. It’d be unpleasant to get your recommended daily intake if the water you are drinking is lower quality or has a funky taste. It is also important to note that your water quality can directly affect your air quality. Since both are in constant contact with each other, it can create a vicious cycle between the two.
It is advised that you get your water tested annually. If you are working with a company like Mold Assessment Services, they will do all the heavy lifting for you and provide you with all the information you need. With over 15 years of experience, our family owned and operated team of experts can help you take your health into your own hands and test your water. Contact us today to schedule your home water testing.

Home water testing has become a vital aspect of maintaining a healthy living environment. At Mold Assessment Services, we understand the profound impact that water quality can have on your health and the efficiency of your home appliances. Whether you’re concerned about the Health Impacts of Water Quality or the Appliance Damage from Poor Water Quality, our team is equipped to provide thorough assessments and solutions. Serving areas like Miami Beach and beyond, we specialize in identifying and addressing the unique challenges presented by Florida’s water sources.
Get a Home Water Test with Mold Assessment Services in Florida
Professional mold inspection and mold testing are available if you think you might have mold growing in your property. If you own your own home or business, you may encounter mold spores or mold growth at some point. If so, you will need a mold inspection to keep your home or business as safe as possible.
A mold problem can affect indoor air quality and the health of those who inhabit a property. If you have experienced water damage, plumbing leaks, or smell a musty odor, calling a professional for toxic mold testing can offer peace of mind. Air testing for mold determines if mold spores have spread and what type of mold is involved. Sometimes, visible mold is not present, but the familiar odor may ignite suspicion. A mold test can confirm this.